Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

2. Christ: The Second Element

The belief of the Christians that Jesus عليه السلام, is a god along with Allâh, but he is the second element of the Holy Trinity.’

If we examine the New Testament in order to find the basis upon which this belief is founded, we do not find any statement that can be attributed to the Messiah عليه السلام, where he makes any such claim. We are, on the contrary, surprised to find that the New Testament contains what actually amounts to a rejection of this belief. It proclaims unambiguously and with utmost clarity that there is no God other than Allâh and that the Messiah عليه السلام is but a Messenger of Allâh sent to the Children of Israel (the Jews) confirming what was contained in the Torah and the revelation (Al-Injeel) sent through him. Here are some of the texts that support what I have just stated:

A. Jesus عليه السلام states in the Gospel of Barnabas[1] 94:1: “And having said this, Jesus said again: ‘I confess before

8 This Book is considered a part of the Apocrypha, i. e., those books found to be inconsistent with the official doctrine of the church and were therefore removed from the Bibles of Catholics and Protestants ready today! It can however, still be found in separate collections of Apocrypha which are comprised of several books. These collections themselves may vary, further illustrating the point that to maintain the authenticity of biblical texts is futile.

heaven, and call to witness everything that dwelleth upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to wit, that I am more than a man. For I am a man, born of a woman, subject to the judgement of God; that live here like as other men, subject to common miseries.’”[1]

B. Luke and Cleophus testify to the humanity and mortality of the Messiah when they state: “Then one of them, named Cle‘opus, answered him,[2] ‘Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?’ And he said to them, ‘What things?’ And they said to him, ‘Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a Prophet, mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,” Luke 24:18,19. Look also at Luke 7:17, and at Acts of the Apostles 2:22.

C. There is the statement of the Messiah عليه السلام :“And this is eternal life, that they know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” John 17:3.[1]

You can see that Christ عليه السلام , in the first text, bears witness before the heavens and calls to witness all that lives on the earth that he is absolved of those attributes which elevate him above his mortal status. What can this be other than that he was no more than a human being?

In the second text, two of his contemporaries testify that he was but an honest man of God in word and deed.

While in the third text is a resounding declaration of the greatest truth in this universe which accords everlasting happiness to the one who declares it. Namely, the acknowledgement that Allâh is the only true God and anything falsely worshipped otherwise is utterly spurious and false. It is an affirmation that Christ was the Messenger of Allâh.

11 It is noteworthy that in the immediately preceding verses Jesus refers to Allâh as Father and himself as Son. This actually illustrates one of the most problematic type of contradictions in the Bible and the problem of using it as either a support or refutation of itself. Namely, one can read a statement indicating the singularity of the Creator only to be immediately followed or preceded by that which nullifies that singularity!

1. Christ, the Messiah — Son of Allâh

‘The belief of the Christians that the Messiah is the Son of God (Allâh).’

This is a belief that is not supported by any statement of the Messiah عليه السلام. In fact, we find the Torah and the Gospels filled with evidence, to the contrary, that nullifies this belief. We find in the Gospel of John 19:6-8: “When the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried out, ‘Crucify him, crucify him!’ Pilate said to them, ‘Take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no crime in him.’ The Jews answered him, ‘We have a law, and by that law he ought to die, because he has made himself the Son of God.’”[1]

Matthew begins his Gospel C: 1:1, with what is said to be Jesus’s family lineage where he (Matthew) states: “The Book of the Lineage of Christ, the son of David, the son

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all biblical references are from: The Holy Bible containing the Old And New Testaments, revised standard version, translated from the original tongue being the version set forth A .D. 1611 revised A. D. 1881-1885 and A. D. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1952, published by Thomas Nelson & Sons. [How strange indeed that what is offered as a proof by those who insist upon the authenticity of biblical texts is such an obvious proof against themselves!]

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all biblical references are from: The Holy Bible containing the Old And New Testaments, revised standard version, translated from the original tongue being the version set forth A .D. 1611 revised A. D. 1881-1885 and A. D. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1952, published by Thomas Nelson & Sons. [How strange indeed that what is offered as a proof by those who insist upon the authenticity of biblical texts is such an obvious proof against themselves!]

of Abraham.” In this lineage is an evidence of his being a flesh and blood mortal in contradiction to the claim of his being divine. It is as if you were to say to me, “It has been attributed to Jesus the description ‘Son of God,’ so he therefore claimed to be the Son of God.” I respond thus: This description related in the Torah and the Injeel6 is given not only to other Prophets but to nations and peoples. It is not something peculiar to the Messiah. To be sure you can look for example in Exodus 4:22, Psalms 2:7, Chronicles 22:9-10, Matthew 5:9, Luke 3:38, and John 1:12. In all of these verses are descriptions of the aforementioned groups as “Sons of God,” nevertheless they were not elevated to the level that you have given to the Messiah عليه السلام.

In the Gospel of John 1:12, we are given a definition of what is meant by the “Son of God.” It shows that it means ‘a believer in Allâh’ as in the passage – “He came to his own home, and his own people received him not.[1] But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God who were born

[1] Commonly translated and understood as the Gospels though it literally refers to the Scripture revealed to Prophet Jesus (‘Iesa) عليه السلام

7 Referring to Jesus عليه السلام.

[1] Commonly translated and understood as the Gospels though it literally refers to the Scripture revealed to Prophet Jesus (‘Iesa) عليه السلام

7 Referring to Jesus عليه السلام.

not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”

The Origin of Christianity

The origin of Christianity is like that of other Divine revelations such as the messages of Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim) and Moses (Musa) عليهم السلام.[1] Every Divinely revealed message is unanimous in its fundamental religious creed such as: Belief in Allâh as Singular and Alone and without any associate; Belief that He was neither born nor does He give birth,[2] Belief in Angels and the Day of Judgement in the Hereafter; Belief in Divine predestination, and the good and bad of it; Belief in the Messengers and Prophets.

[1]Alaihimus Salaam - It is the transliteration of the invocation (plural form) made by Muslims upon mention of any of the Prophets and Messengers. Though similar in wording and meaning to the invocation made upon Prophet Muhammad, it can more simply be understood as “Peace be upon them” [singular عليه السلامAlaihis salaam “Peace be on him”]. Also the name As-Salaam (peace) is a perfect attribute of Allâh which may therefore render another meaning to the invocation that “Allâh - Who is Peace and the Grantor of security and peace to His creation - be with the Messenger or Prophet.” And Allâh knows better.

[2]There being nothing before Him nor does He have any need for progeny.

Alaihimus Salaam - It is the transliteration of the invocation (plural form) made by Muslims upon mention of any of the Prophets and Messengers. Though similar in wording and meaning to the invocation made upon Prophet Muhammad, it can more simply be understood as “Peace be upon them” [singular عليه السلامAlaihis salaam “Peace be on him”]. Also the name As-Salaam (peace) is a perfect attribute of Allâh which may therefore render another meaning to the invocation that “Allâh - Who is Peace and the Grantor of security and peace to His creation - be with the Messenger or Prophet.” And Allâh knows better.

[1]There being nothing before Him nor does He have any need for progeny.

There is nothing in recorded history, since the time of Adam عليه السلام up through the last of the Prophets, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, indicating that any known Divine revelation differs in these beliefs. Indeed, the differences found among them are connected to the forms of worship and their various conditions or appearance. Also, those things that were forbidden or permitted differed for various reasons as legislated by Allâh to the Prophets, each of whom was ordered to explain and clarify the law to the respective peoples.

Therefore, [original] Christianity can be termed as a Divine message that calls for Belief in Allâh as Singular and without associate, and that He is neither born nor does He have offspring. It confirms that Allâh indeed sends Messengers and Prophets from among men whom He has chosen from the best of people. This, in order that no one can have any argument before Allâh after having thus been sent a Messenger.

The question that one is obliged to ask is: Has Christianity remained in the state in which it was originally revealed by Allâh to His servant and Messenger Jesus (‘Iesa عليه السلام)?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to bring out for our mutual benefit, the reality of Christianity today and compare it with what has been transmitted in both the Torah and the Gospels attributed to Moses and Jesus

السلام respectively. This is in order to examine: Is the present state of Christianity in accord with the original message or does it differ? Do the texts attributed to these Prophets support the beliefs that the current Christian nation stands upon? Does what is related in these books about the life of Jesus عليه السلام correspond to the image introduced in the churches of today as to the personality and character of the Messiah? – A personality which has become mythical in its proportions to the point that it can hardly be accepted by the mind or proven to be real. Such beliefs are followed in the next pages.

Kamis, 01 November 2007

Arti Seragam Tapak Suci

maka seragam tapak suciSebagian besar gaya silat mengenakan seragam hitam, tetapi ada juga yang putih. Seragam dari Tapak Suci adalah tidak hitam atau putih,
itu adalah satu-satunya seragam merah di Pencak Silat. Ini "aneh" warna punya alasan. Tapak Suci selalu sekelompok orang benar
yang sangat berdedikasi kepada masyarakat. Rasa besar solidaritas dan tanggung jawab sosial selalu itu, dan adalah penting
Tapak Suci dalam. Selama gerakan komunis, yang membantu Soeharto mendapatkan posisi yang kuat, Tapak Suci menolak berat.
Banyak jiwa hilang. Untuk memprovokasi komunis, dan menghormati semua orang yang jatuh dalam pertempuran itu, Tapak Suci menggunakan warna merah untuk
mereka seragam. Merah juga dipandang sebagai warna keberanian. Pertempuran berlangsung sampai tahun 1968 ketika sebagian besar komunis telah
meninggalkan Indonesia. Warna merah untuk seragam tinggal, bahkan sampai sekarang.
Seragam ini dilengkapi dengan 5 cincin kuning dari kejujuran: satu di leher, dua di sekitar lengan dan dua di sekitar kaki.

Cincin adalah 3 cm lebar. Pada lengan dan kaki cincin terletak 1 ½ cm dari ujung lengan
dan dari ujung kaki celana. Saat ini ada interpretasi simbolisme di belakang cincin :
Ring leher: mental dan spiritual
Cincin di tangan kanan: persahabatan
Cincin di tangan kiri: pertahanan diri
Cincin di sekitar kaki kanan: olahraga
Cincin di sekitar kaki kiri: seni dan budaya
Jadi, semua aspek yang penting dalam Tapak Suci adalah
simbolis bagian dari seragam.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2007

Cara Khusus Meninggikan Tubuh dengan Cepat

 Sering kali kita minder, dikarenakan tinggi badan yang kurang. Apalagi jika cita-cita kita mengharuskan tinggi badan minimal, seperi dikepolisian, pramugari, dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk itu kita dituntut mempunyai tinggi badan optimal.

Bagaimana caranya agar tinggi badan kita optimal? Tidak cukup hanya makan saja, kita harus berlatih lebih keras. Berikut tipsnya :

1. Makan makanan yang berkalsium tinggi
Makanan sangat berpengaruh disini, untuk menambah tinggi badan tubuh kita memerlukan kalsium untuk pertumbuhan tulang. Makanan yang mengandung kalsium tinggi contohnya pisang, kangkung dan lain sebagainya.

2. Menambah frekuensi makan
Jika dalam sehari kita makan 3 kali, maka perbanyaklah bisa 4 atau 5 kali. Tetapi jangan dipaksakan, jika tidak bisa anda boleh mengurangi porsi makanannya.

3. Jangan lupa olah raga
Jika tidak diimbangi dengan olah raga maka makanan yang sudah kita konsumsi tersebut akan menumpuk. Bukan tingi badan yang kita dapat tapi malah berat badan. Olah raga yang cocok yaitu renang, lari dan rengen (bergelantungan dengan kedua tangan dan coba untuk mengangkatny) cara ini sangat ampuh, saya sendiri sudah mencobanya.

4. Suplemen
Banyak suplemen peninggi badan, tetapi kita harus selektif, jangan asal-asalan mengkonsumsinya. Lebih baik mengkonsumsi suplemen yang ada di iklan televisi, karena sudah melalui uji kelayakan.

Mungkin itu saja yang bisa saya tambahkan. Semoga berhasil. Perlu diketahui tinggi badan juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor gen.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2007

Resep Rahasia Kangkung Tumis Terasi

Resep Tumis Kangkung Spesial ini sudah tidak asing lagi di kalangan masyarakat jawa tentunya, Resep Tumis Kangkung Spesial ini sangat banyak di gemari olaeh para ibu karena praktis dan juga sehat,
Yahhh langsung saja di simak yukk...

Bahan Bahan :

  1.     1 ikat kangkung

  2.     75 gr udang kecil kupas

  3.     2 siung bawang putih

  4.     3 butir bawang merah diiris tipis

  5.     1 buah tomat dipotong panjang

  6.     2 buah cabai merah dipotong serong

  7.     4 sdm air

  8.     2,5 sdm minyak

  9.     Ebi secukupnya

  10.     1/2 sdt gula pasir

  11.     Garam secukupnya

Cara memasak:

    pertama Tumis bawang Putihnya, dan juga bawang merahnya hingga berbau harum
    kemudian Tambahkan udang kemudian masak hingga berubah warna
    lalu Tambahkan cabai yang sudah di potong potong tadi
    Masukkan kangkung, ebi, gula, garam dan air secukupnya.
    tambahkan potongan tomatnya, tunggu hingga layu dengan api kecil
    yap maskan Resep Tumis Kangkung Spesial sudah selesai, masakan siap di santap

yakk itulah Resep Tumis Kangkung Spesial dari saya semoga bemanfaat untuk anda semua, Salam Hangat Dari Kami Resep Masakan

Selasa, 15 Mei 2007




- dalam keadaan berwuduk,posisi duduk bersila boleh di sajadah atau di mana saja yg penting bersih

-lalu mulailah dengan cara seperti ini :


assallammualaikum ibu ku bumi

assaammuaaikum bapak ku langit

adup namanya malam,tajoli namanya siang

hai malaikat 16 yang menjaga batang tubuh ku

















NUKUF ALLAH NUKUF MUHAMMAD LAHUMUL ALFATEHA…..(kirimkan alfateha 3 x,boleh juga sebanyak yg kita mampu)

ini maqom/titik organ organ 16 tersebut bersemayam/bercokol/bertumpu

-NYAWA titik tumpunya di UBUN UBUN/UYENG UYENG (bhsa jawa)

-RAHASIA titik tumpunya di MATA

-HATI titik tumpunya di DADA (tengah antara 2 susu)

-JANTUNG titik tumpunya di UJUNG DADA (di bawah sedikit titik dada)


-DAGING titik tumpunya di ATAS KELAMIN (cakra solar bhsa tenaga dalam)

TULANG titik tumpunya di TULANG RUSUK BELAKANG (sepanjang tulang rusuk)

-URAT titik tumpunya di NADI TANGAN KANAN

-SENDI titik tumpunya di DENGKUL KAKI


-BULU ROMA titik tumpunya di BULU TANGAN


-OTAK titik tumpunya di KENING DEPAN



-LEMAK titik tumpunya di PINGGANG PERUT KANAN.

-titik tumpu dari 16 organ penting di tubuh manusia inilah yang di tekan dengan ibu jari tangan kanan,saat pembangkitan tersebut,menekannya harus kuat,cara penekanan tekan lalu geser sedikit ke belakang jempol jari tersebut lalu ulangi terus tekan dan geser kebelakang,lakukan cara pembangkitan ini jika ingin mengirimkan alfateha kepada satu2 malaikat,sebagai contoh : hai malaikat 16 yang menjaga batang tubuhku,ALI MENJAGA TULANG NUKUF ALLAH NUKUF MUHAMMAD LAHUMUL ALFATEHA (bacalah alfateha 3 x atau boleh sebanyak yg kita mampu sambil jempol jari kita menekan RUSUK BELAKANG,tekan lalu geser/gesek ke belakang sedikit jempol jari tadi,lalu ulangi terus gerakan tersebut sampai alfateha yang kita baca selesai semua) biasanya jika bangkit malaikat penjaga tulangnya maka sangat terasa ada rasa hangat mengalir dalam seluruh tulang dan terkadang tenaga dari tulang terasa berlipat ganda.kelak jika sdh aktif malaikat penjaga tulang ini lah yang akan banyak berpungsi untuk ilmu beladiri dan mementalkan musuh jarak jauh tampa emosi,juga untuk lain2 yg berubungan dengan ilmu kadigdayaan diri.

-lakukan cara ini hanya jika akan memberi alfateha kepada satu satu malaikat 16,jika memberi alfatehanya dengan menyebut dahulu semua malaikatnya maka cukup alfatehanya saja langsung di tawasulkan/di kirimkan 3x atau sebanyak yg kita mampu,nanti jika akan menggunakan salah satu malaikatnya saja baru titik tumpu malaikatnya di gesek dgn jempol jari sambil memerintahnya…untuk berbagai keperluan diri.


-jika sdh merasakan aktif malaikat 16 ini maka menggunaknnya : panggillah sekaligus perintahkanlah salah satu atau semua malaikat tersebut dengan cara : hai malaikat penjaga (……..) KU PERINTAHKN KAU….(…..) boleh dengan menahan napas baca dalam hati,lalu bernapaslah dengan napas masuk menyebut ALLAH napas keluar menyebut HU,secara terus menerus sampai objek yang menyerang terpental,tetapi jika dalam kondisi kepepet/terdesak maka cukup ucapkan HAI..lalu bernapaslah ALLAH napas masuk dan HU napas keluar,latih cara ini sesering mungkin agar nanti setiap kaget maka akan spontan terucap tehnik napas seperti ini. (kata HAI itu bukanlah kalimat say hallo tetapi 3 huruf semula jadi yg menjadi signal atau tanda panggil untuk malaikat 16 nya, H (simbol ALLAH),A ( huruf alif sebelum alif atau ba titik/kuk titik),dan I (adalah alif tegak,tegak alif tegak tubuh,sebelum bengkok alif belum kalah tubuh,belum hancur alif tak kan hancur tubuh) jadi kata H.A.I. yg di maksud di sini adalah kata/huruf yg perintahnya pasti di lakukan oleh ke 16 malaikat penjaga batang tubuh tadi.

cara standar untuk melihat sudah aktif apa belum..?

-panggillah malaikat 16 tersebut boleh juga salah satu malaikat saja lalu coba perintahkan untuk melemahkan tulang teman yg lagi duduk di kursi tentu dengan cara yg sdh saya jelaskan di atas,lalu lihat reaksi teman tersebut,jika dia sulit berdiri dari duduk di kursi tersebut atau berdiri seperti orang hamil (maksud saya kesusahan berdirinya) maka malaikat 16 di batang tubuh kita sdh aktif dan perintahkan tarik lagi malaikat 16 tersebut lalu dekati teman itu dan hembuskan napas kita sedikit saja mengarah ke lututnya maka insyaALLAH dia akan pulih kembali (mintalah maaf kepada teman tersebut dan jelaskan,ingat ini wajib jika tdk di lakukan saya akan berharap anda kehilangan kemampuan tersebut).

-tehnik dan cara ini juga untuk semua malaikat tersebut tetapi alangkah baiknya setiap menggunakannya seluruh nama2 malaikat 16 ini di panggil agar menjadi satu kesatuan daya yang ampuh,bukankah ber 16 itu jauh lebih kuat dari pada berdua atau bertiga saja jika melawan musuh.

-lama atau cepat bangkitnya tergantung dari si pengamal masing masing,WAJJADA MAN JADDA (SESIAPA BERSUNGGUH SUNGGUH DIA AKAN DAPAT).

UNTUK SAUDARA SAUDARA SAYA YANG NON MUSLIM (yg mau membangkitkan malaikat 16)

-carilah batok kelapa biasa yg muda,bakarlah hingga hangus menghitam lalu giling hingga halus sampai menjadi abu,lalu campurlah dengan bunga melati yang juga di giling serta sampai halus,letakkan bubuk tersebut pada kain biasa secara merata seperti persegi panjang lalu tulislah pada abu tersebut huruf H.A.I. lalu abu/bubuk batok kelapa tersebut usapkan ke telapak kaki sambil menahan napas dan memanggil nama2 malaikat tadi. 1 x napas untuk 16 nama malaikat lalu lepaskan napas lakukan cara ini 7 atau 9 x pernapasan,namun menaburkan bubuknya hanya 1 x saja.lakukan cara ini sekitar 3 atau 5 malam dan setelah itu boleh di test :

-peganglah kayu sebesar tangan anak umur 2 tahun lalu panggil lah malaikat penjaga darah kulit tulang dengan di awali kata hai malaikat penjaga………bangkitlah,kuatkanlah darah,kulit dan tulangku (tahan napas lalu pukulkan kayu tersebut ke badan kita,coba pelan2 dulu nanti jika sdh mulai terasa kebas/bius baru di kuatkan,nah jika dia aktif maka badan tdk akan mengalami kesakitan jika di pukul.)