Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

Sophos Anti-Rootkit free download

Sophos Anti-Rootkit finds and removes any rootkit that is hidden on your computer. It scans al running processes, as well as the registry and local hard drives for known rootkits, and automatically selects the files for removal without compromising system integrity. Also includes command-line functionality.
Download Sophos Anti-Rootkit

Publisher Sophos Plc.
File Size 1153 kb
Version 1.3.1 (history)
Last updated Aug 24, 2007
License Freeware
Windows 2000/XP
Requirements None

clean software Sophos Anti-Rootkit does not contain any adware or spyware.

Senin, 18 Agustus 2008

StorURL free download

StorURL is a small utility that allows you to store all your favorite website URLs with a descriptive title to go along with the URL. Features include import/export to and from Internet Explorer favorites as well as the option to sort your links into as many categories as you like, search throught them and export them to a formatted HTML page. Double-clicking on an entry will launch the your default browser. In addition, you can choose to validate individual or all links in a category, and the program will mark the ones that contain broken links.
Download StorURL

Product Detail

Publisher HazteK Software
File Size 451 kb
Version 2.6.2 (history)
Last updated May 20, 2008
License Freeware
Windows Win (All)
Requirements .NET Framework 2.0
Other products All 3 products from this developer

Download Here

clean software StorURL does not contain any adware or spyware.

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

simple bookmark manager free download

Favoritestown is a simple bookmark manager and application launcher, that allows you to access your favorite websites, folders and files from a virtual townscape. There are several buildings that act as categories (shopping mall, library etc.) to organize your links, and each section can hold several links. Clicking on a link will launch the associated site or file. A fun, but rather limited way to manage your favorites.

Pros: A fun way to organize your favorites

Cons: Lacks most features offered by other bookmark managers; only supports a limited number of links

Product Detail

AM-DeadLink AM-DeadLink
validate your favorites
simple URL manager

Favorites town Publisher Amweb Ltd
File Size 10833 kb
Version 2.03 (history)
Last updated Jul 16, 2008
License Freeware
Windows Win (All)
Requirements None

Download HERE

clean software Favorites town does not contain any adware or spyware.

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

Akhlaq Anggota Tapak Suci

Saudaraku, islam sampai kepada kita saat ini tidak lain berkat jasa Baginda Rasulullah Muhammad SAW sebagai sosok penyampai risalah Allah SWT yang benar dan di ridhoi. Dan nanti di padang mahsyar, tiap umat islam pasti akan meminta syafa’at dari beliau SAW dan menginginkan berada di barisan beliau SAW. Namun, pengakuan tidaklah cukup sekedar pengakuan. Pasti yang mengaku umat beliau SAW akan berusaha mengikuti jejak beliau dengan jalan mengikuti sunnah-sunnah beliau dan senantiasa membasahi bibir ini dengan mendo’akan beliau dengan cara memperbanyak bersholawat kepada beliau SAW.

Sejarah tak akan mampu mengingkari betapa indahnya akhlak dan budi pekerti Rasulullah tercinta, Sayyidina Muhammad Sholallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam hingga salah seorang istri beliau, Sayyidatina A’isyah Rodhiyallahuanha mengatakan bahwa akhlak Rasulullah adalah “Al-Qur’an”. Tidak satu perkataan Rasulullah merupakan implementasi dari hawa nafsu beliau, melainkan adalah berasal dari wahyu ilahi. Begitu halus dan lembutnya perilaku keseharian beliau. Rasulullah SAW adalah sosok yang mandiri dengan sifat tawadhu’ yang tiada tandingnya.

Beliau pernah menjahit sendiri pakaiannya yang koyak tanpa harus menyuruh istrinya. Dalam berkeluarga, beliau adalah sosok yang ringan tangan dan tidak segan-segan untuk membantu pekerjaan istrinya di dapur. Selain itu dikisahkan bahwa beliau tiada merasa canggung makan disamping seorang tua yang penuh kudis, kotor lagi miskin. Beliau adalah sosok yang paling sabar dimana ketika itu pernah kain beliau ditarik oleh seorang badui hingga membekas merah dilehernya, namun beliau hanya diam dan tidak marah.

Dalam satu riwayat dikisahkan bahwa ketika beliau mengimami sholat berjamaah, para sahabat mendapati seolah-olah setiap beliau berpindah rukun terasa susah sekali dan terdengar bunyi yang aneh. Seusai sholat, salah seorang sahabat, Sayyidina Umar bin Khatthab bertanya, “Ya Rasulullah, kami melihat seolah-olah baginda menanggung penderitaan yang amat berat. Sedang sakitkah engkau ya Rasulullah? “Tidak ya Umar. Alhamdulillah aku sehat dan segar.” Jawab Rasulullah. “Ya Rasulullah, mengapa setiap kali Baginda menggerakkan tubuh, kami mendengar seolah-olah sendi-sendi tubuh baginda saling bergesekkan? Kami yakin baginda sedang sakit”. Desak Sayyidina Umar penuh cemas.

Akhirnya, Rasulullahpun mengangkat jubahnya. Para sahabatpun terkejut ketika mendapati perut Rasulullah SAW yang kempis tengah di lilit oleh sehelai kain yang berisi batu kerikil sebagai penahan rasa lapar. Ternyata, batu-batu kerikil itulah yang menimbulkan bunyi aneh setiap kali tubuh Rasulullah SAW bergerak. Para sahabatpun berkata, “Ya Rasulullah, adakah bila baginda menyatakan lapar dan tidak punya makanan, kami tidak akan mendapatkannya untuk tuan?”. Baginda Rasulullah pun menjawab dengan lembut, “Tidak para sahabatku. Aku tahu, apapun akan kalian korbankan demi Rasulmu. Tetapi, apa jawabanku nanti dihadapan Allah, apabila aku sebagai pemimpin, menjadi beban bagi umatnya? Biarlah rasa lapar ini sebagai hadiah dari Allah buatku, agar kelak umatku tak ada yang kelaparan di dunia ini, lebih-lebih di akhirat nanti.

Teramat agung pribadi Rasulullah SAW sehingga para sahabat yang ditanya oleh seorang badui tentang akhlak beliau SAW hanya mampu menangis karena tak sanggup untuk menggambarkan betapa mulia akhlak beliau SAW. Beliau diutus tidak lain untuk menyempurnakan akhlak manusia dan sebagai suri tauladan yang baik sepanjang zaman.

Saudaraku, sungguh kehadiran Rasulullah SAW adalah untuk menyempurnakan akhlak manusia lewat segala hal yang beliau contohkan kepada umat manusia. Beliau tidak pernah pandang bulu dalam hal menghargai manusia, penuh kasih sayang, tidak pernah mendendam, malahan beliau pernah menangis ketika mengetahui bahwa balasan kekafiran adalah neraka yang menyala-nyala hingga menginginkan umat manusia untuk meng-esakan Allah SWT.

Cukup kiranya beliau yang jadi suri tauladan kita, umat islam khususnya yang hari ini sebagian sudah sangat jauh dari akhlak Rasulullah, baik dalam tindakan maupun perkataan yang menyejukkan. apa yang dikatakan oleh seorang sastrawan Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal dalam salah satu karyanya dapat kita jadikan renungan bersama dimana beliau berkata: “Barangsiapa yang mengaku umat Nabi Muhammad, hendaklah berakhlak seperti beliau (Nabi Muhammad)”.

Dalam salah satu hadits dikatakan bahwa “Belum beriman seseorang sehingga aku (Rasulullah Muhammad SAW) lebih dicintainya daripada ayahnya, anak-anaknya dan seluruh manusia”(HR. Bukhari). Kita tidak tahu apakah nanti akan di akui Rasulullah sebagai umatnya atau tidak kelak di yaumil kiamah. Namun satu yang pasti bahwa semua ingin berada di barisan beliau. maka, marilah kita sama-sama berusaha untuk mengikuti akhlak beliau SAW semampu diri kita, sebagai suri tauladan kita yang utama, memperbanyak ucapan sholawat untuknya, membela sunnahnya, bukan malah membelakanginya (mari berlindung dari hal demikian), sebagai bagian dari rasa cinta kita terhadapnya.

Saudaraku, mari kita sampaikan salam dan sholawat kepada beliau SAW, yang dengannya kita akan beroleh cinta dan Syafa’atnya kelak di yaumil mahsyar. insya Allah…Amii

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008

Windows Xp Sp3 release 2008 free download

Based on Windows XP SP3 Corporate Updated to June 10, 2008 with Fully Unattended (leave the mouse alone, it is automatic Setup), please be patient on 13 minutes of Win Setup!!! WGA is integrated so it is activated and ready to visit Microsoft for future updates. No serial needed (if needed for upgrade can be found on CD root). Can be installed on any partition. Minimum Requirements: Pentium 4, 256mbRAM, any Graphic Card.

Tweaked for faster performance by default. For tweaking fans there is a large collection of additional updated tweaks in Desktop folder for optional use (Just read eveything in folder carefully) But I think is not necessary. It is fast like it is! Tweaked to look like MAC OS Leopard by default (no WindowBlinds) , with shells integrated, themes (there are five additional nice themes in desktop properties), default MAC Icons and additional very modern MAC PNG icons (large collection in RocketDock folder) for RocketDock.

download here

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

download MP3 and video from, and unlimit

The easy way to download and convert Web videos from hundreds of YouTube-like sites or imeem. This works also for audio and picture galleries. DownloadHelper is a tool for web content extraction. Its purpose is to capture video and image files from many sites. Just surf the Web as you are used to, when DownloadHelper detects it can do something for you, the icon gets animated and a menu allows you to download files by simply clicking an item For instance, if you go to a YouTube page, you'll be able to download the video directly on your file system. It also works with MySpace, Google videos, DailyMotion, Porkolt, iFilm, DreamHost and others. Since version 3.1, you can setup the extension to automatically convert the downloaded movies to your preferred video format. When you are on a page containing links to images or movies, you can download some or all of them at once. Moving the mouse over the items in the menu will highlights the links directly in the page to make sure they are the ones you want to pick up. DownloadHelper also allows you to download files one by one, so that you keep bandwidth to surf for other stuff to download. To modify your preferences, like changing the download directory, right-click on the icon and choose "Preferences". When you first install the extension, your browser is redirected to a welcome page with links to a user manual at and a faq at This does not change your homepage setting and the welcome page won't appear anymore. Support can be obtained from more tutorial in image below:
install here to your mozilla firefox

Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

the secret trick, best the best PTC

1) Register at, (it is the best PTC, pay to click, in the world!); you need an AlertPay Account at

AlertPay is like PayPal... but much more better!

2) How does it work? You make money by simply visiting websites for at least 30 seconds/visit. They will pay you $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.01 for each website your referrals visit. The best part is you can have an unlimited amount of referrals! To keep Bux from getting top-heavy you will only earn money from those that you directly refer. This gives everyone who participates in the program a fair advantage to earn the most amount of money because you have the potential to earn more than your sponsor! Payments are issued via PayPal on a daily basis but you must request for a payment to be processed. Once requested, your payment will be issued within 24-48 hours (usually sooner). You must earn at least $10 to receive payment.

3) Make It Automatic!
You must download Firefox and install it to continue
What this basically allows you to do is leave Firefox open and you’ll make money
Install those 2 Addons

4) Go to Surf Ads and then right click any where on the page > ReloadEvery > Enable. Then right click again > ReloadEvery > Custom.
Set it to 1 minute and 30 Seconds. (This means every 1 minute and 30 seconds the page will refresh)

5) Download a Script that'll do the clicking for you! Install this file (go to the following url in FireFox): DOWNLOAD SCRIPT. GreaseMonkey will ask you to install the file, click ‘Install’.

6) Go back to , (First Register for Bux Account) and leave the page open 24/7 and every 1minute and 30seconds the page will refresh, and if a new ad appears, you will automatically click it.

EASY MONEY! This really works I have tried it myself took me about 5 minutes to set up everything.It opens the ads for you while you do nothing at all.