SAAT musim hujan, udara terasa lebih dingin dari biasanya. Kondisi ini cukup mengganggu bagi kecantikan, karena dapat menyebabkan kulit kering dan wajah terasa kusam.
Bibir kering pecah-pecah juga menjadi masalah yang timbul saat udara dingin. Ditambah lagi jika Anda memiliki kebiasaan menjilat bibir. Alih-alih membuat bibir menjadi basah, air liur justru dapat membuatnya kering dan pecah-pecah.
Kulit bibir tidak sama dengan kulit di bagian tubuh lainnya. Kulit bibir sangat rapuh, sensitif dan tidak memproduksi cairan seperti keringat untuk membuatnya tetap lembab sepanjang hari.
Agar bibir tetap lembab dan lembut, cobalah trik ini. Basahi sikat gigi dengan air hangat hingga bulunya terasa lembut.
Perlahan, gosokkan sikat ke bibir untuk mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati yang mengering karena air liur atau udara dingin. Pastikan Anda menggosoknya dengan sangat perlahan agar tidak menimbulkan luka.
Untuk perawatan, gunakan lipstik atau lip gloss yang mengandung pelembab. Saat bibir mulai mengering, oleskan sekali lagi.
Banyak mengonsumsi air putih juga dapat meningkatkan kadar kelembaban tubuh secara alami, termasuk salah satunya dapat menjaga kelembaban dan kelembutan bibir.
Namun yang paling penting, hentikan kebiasaan menjilati bibir. Basahi dengan lip gloss atau air untuk hasil yang lebih baik.
Jumat, 23 Maret 2012
trick menaklukkan hati wanita
diperuntukkan KHUSUS bagi mereka yang MERASA :
1. Jomblo gak kunjung sembuh
2. Kurang ganteng
3. Kurang tajir
4. Badan tidak proporsional / kegemukan atau kecekingan
5. Kurang esksis
6. Selalu dijauhi wanita
7. Susah mendapatkan perhatian wanita
8. Ataupun masalah perjodohan lainnya
Banyak terdapat berbagai tips 12 cara menarik perhatian wanita di luar sana yang menawa, tetapi apakah agan perhatikan, dimana-mana setelah agan membaca tips yang terasa ringan sampai Anda mungkin berkata dalam hati "ini mah saya juga bisa"
Well, kawan, untuk menarik perhatian wanita tidak semudah itu. Agan harus bisa mengerti mereka. Apa yang sebenarnya kita pikir merupakan hal kecil ternyata besar buat mereka dan sebaliknya. Kita tidak harus kaya, pintar, tampan, tinggi, terkenal dan sebagainya untuk mendapat incaran kita, yang penting adalah kombinasi beberapa elemen yang semua pria dapat melakukan.
12 Cara Menarik Perhatian Wanita Tanpa Basa-Basi
1.Jadilah peran LEADER.
Bila Anda sedang berkumpul bersama sekelompok pria, sangat penting untuk menjalankan PERAN PEMIMPIN. Anda harus menjadi si pengambil keputusan dan Anda harus menjadi yang diikuti oleh pria lainnya. Hal ini ternyata sangat seksi di mata wanita walau yang belum pernah mengenal Anda sekalipun.
2.Perbaiki penampilan!
Walau penampilan ternyata bukan merupakan hal yang penting bagi sebagian pria, tetap saja Anda harus memberikan PENAMPILAN TERBAIK ANDA. Ini berarti wajah Anda harus bersih, badan Anda fit dan sehat serta memakai pakaian yang rapi dan cocok dengan Anda. Kata kuncinya adalah : RAPI BERSIH WANGI dan SEHAT
Tapi bila Anda masih kurang pede, jangan khawatir, ane juga membuka lapak jual beli semua demi agar anda bisa mirip dengan A'A James :
3. Anda harus merepresentasikan "ALPHA" body language
Yaitu berjalanlah dengan badan tegap, dagu dinaikkan, dan tampilkanlah penampilan "Anda tau apa yang harus Anda lakukan" kepada single ladies tersebut. (Buang jauh-jauh kesan kikuk itu, Bung!)
4.Anda Harus memperhatikan gerak-gerik tubuh wanita dengan seksama.
Wanita tertarik dengan pria yang mengerti mereka. Anda harus mengerti maksud dan maunya mereka. Oleh karena itu Anda harus memperhatikan dengan seksama setiap gerak tubuh, kalimat dan isyarat-isyarat yang mereka lempar ke Anda.
5. Berikaplah TEGAS terhadap wanita dalam urusan bercinta.
Wanita suka pria yang mengejar kemauannya. Jadi, bila Anda ingin mencium wanita yang di hadapan Anda....lakukan! Jangan pernah meminta izin terlebih dahulu bila ingin mencium wanita. Wanita sangat sangat tertarik kepada cowok yang memegang peranan di urusan bercinta.
6. Jangan takut dan kaget bila terjadi kontak badan dengan wanita.
Badan manusia diciptakan oleh Tuhan sangat tertarik terhadap sesamanya.Oleh karena itu, jangan ragu dan takut bila terjadi kontak fisik terhadap wanita.
Wanita suka loh MENGEJAR-NGEJAR pria. Jadi walaupun Anda SANGAT TERTARIK kepada wanita incaran Anda, perlihatkan sedikit saja......lalu di saat yang tepat tunjukkanlah sikap acuh tak acuh Anda. SELALU BIARKAN WANITA BINGUNG TENTANG KETERTARIKAN ANDA PADANYA!
Wanita suka pria yang percaya diri tapi asyik. Anda boleh bersikap jantan, dingin, cool, pendiam, sombong, tapi di satu saat tiba-tiba anda bisa menjadi pribadi yang gokil juga.
TIPS: bila Anda ingin ngelawak, lemparkkanlah jokes2 cerdas lalu diakhiri dengan tertawa percaya diri. Jangan tiba-tiba Anda tertawa liar berharap ada yang ikut mentertawakan lawakan Anda yang garing.
9.Jangan menyembunyikan IDENTITAS DIRIMU!
Jangan takut untuk menceritakan apa yang kamu suka, siapa dirimu, apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan walau kamu pedagang asongan! Yang penting HALAL dan MAU BERUSAHA, bung! Ini juga salah satu dari jargon "BE YOURSELF"!
10.Cobalah topik2 berikut ini dalam suatu percakapan :
b. Masa kanak-kanak dulu
c. Makanan
d. Rencana masa depan
f. Hobi masing-masing
g.Informasi apa saja tentang sang wanita
h.Mengamati tindak tanduk orang sekeliling
i.Kebudayaan masa kini
j.Gosip (jangan yang murahan)
k.Pengalaman pribadi yang menarik dan aneh
l. Pelajaran dari pengalaman tersebut[/SIZE]
11.Pujian terbaik adalah sesuatu yang unik dari kepribadian dari si wanita. Wanita sudah bosan dipuji kecantikannya.
Cobalah untuk memuji kecerdasannya, memuji karirnya, memuji pakaiannya dan lain sebagainya.
Apakah Taktik NEGS itu ? Taktik NEGS itu adalah taktik yang membuat keadaan seolah-olah kita benar-benar tidak tertarik kepada wanita incaran kita dengan cara meyindir secara halus. Taktik ini termasuk kontroversial, tapi WANITA akan terperangkap permainan ini walau bersifat sindiran. Efeknya adalah wanita tidak akan merasa di atas kita lagi. Biasanya berhasil untuk wanita yang BENAR-BENAR MENARIK.
contoh :
1.Dia : Saya Model Lo...
Anda : Model apa ya??? model kecantikan tangan begitu???
2.Anda : Kamu itu suka berkedip lho... *kedip *kedip*
3.Anda : Wah, baju kamu bagus banget ya, ada yang pake kayak gitu juga gak lama tadi saya lihat
4.Anda : Kamu imut banget ya....idung kamu gerak-gerak waktu kamu ngomong XD
1. Jomblo gak kunjung sembuh
2. Kurang ganteng
3. Kurang tajir
4. Badan tidak proporsional / kegemukan atau kecekingan
5. Kurang esksis
6. Selalu dijauhi wanita
7. Susah mendapatkan perhatian wanita
8. Ataupun masalah perjodohan lainnya
Banyak terdapat berbagai tips 12 cara menarik perhatian wanita di luar sana yang menawa, tetapi apakah agan perhatikan, dimana-mana setelah agan membaca tips yang terasa ringan sampai Anda mungkin berkata dalam hati "ini mah saya juga bisa"
Well, kawan, untuk menarik perhatian wanita tidak semudah itu. Agan harus bisa mengerti mereka. Apa yang sebenarnya kita pikir merupakan hal kecil ternyata besar buat mereka dan sebaliknya. Kita tidak harus kaya, pintar, tampan, tinggi, terkenal dan sebagainya untuk mendapat incaran kita, yang penting adalah kombinasi beberapa elemen yang semua pria dapat melakukan.
12 Cara Menarik Perhatian Wanita Tanpa Basa-Basi
1.Jadilah peran LEADER.
Bila Anda sedang berkumpul bersama sekelompok pria, sangat penting untuk menjalankan PERAN PEMIMPIN. Anda harus menjadi si pengambil keputusan dan Anda harus menjadi yang diikuti oleh pria lainnya. Hal ini ternyata sangat seksi di mata wanita walau yang belum pernah mengenal Anda sekalipun.
2.Perbaiki penampilan!
Walau penampilan ternyata bukan merupakan hal yang penting bagi sebagian pria, tetap saja Anda harus memberikan PENAMPILAN TERBAIK ANDA. Ini berarti wajah Anda harus bersih, badan Anda fit dan sehat serta memakai pakaian yang rapi dan cocok dengan Anda. Kata kuncinya adalah : RAPI BERSIH WANGI dan SEHAT
Tapi bila Anda masih kurang pede, jangan khawatir, ane juga membuka lapak jual beli semua demi agar anda bisa mirip dengan A'A James :
3. Anda harus merepresentasikan "ALPHA" body language
Yaitu berjalanlah dengan badan tegap, dagu dinaikkan, dan tampilkanlah penampilan "Anda tau apa yang harus Anda lakukan" kepada single ladies tersebut. (Buang jauh-jauh kesan kikuk itu, Bung!)
4.Anda Harus memperhatikan gerak-gerik tubuh wanita dengan seksama.
Wanita tertarik dengan pria yang mengerti mereka. Anda harus mengerti maksud dan maunya mereka. Oleh karena itu Anda harus memperhatikan dengan seksama setiap gerak tubuh, kalimat dan isyarat-isyarat yang mereka lempar ke Anda.
5. Berikaplah TEGAS terhadap wanita dalam urusan bercinta.
Wanita suka pria yang mengejar kemauannya. Jadi, bila Anda ingin mencium wanita yang di hadapan Anda....lakukan! Jangan pernah meminta izin terlebih dahulu bila ingin mencium wanita. Wanita sangat sangat tertarik kepada cowok yang memegang peranan di urusan bercinta.
6. Jangan takut dan kaget bila terjadi kontak badan dengan wanita.
Badan manusia diciptakan oleh Tuhan sangat tertarik terhadap sesamanya.Oleh karena itu, jangan ragu dan takut bila terjadi kontak fisik terhadap wanita.
Wanita suka loh MENGEJAR-NGEJAR pria. Jadi walaupun Anda SANGAT TERTARIK kepada wanita incaran Anda, perlihatkan sedikit saja......lalu di saat yang tepat tunjukkanlah sikap acuh tak acuh Anda. SELALU BIARKAN WANITA BINGUNG TENTANG KETERTARIKAN ANDA PADANYA!
Wanita suka pria yang percaya diri tapi asyik. Anda boleh bersikap jantan, dingin, cool, pendiam, sombong, tapi di satu saat tiba-tiba anda bisa menjadi pribadi yang gokil juga.
TIPS: bila Anda ingin ngelawak, lemparkkanlah jokes2 cerdas lalu diakhiri dengan tertawa percaya diri. Jangan tiba-tiba Anda tertawa liar berharap ada yang ikut mentertawakan lawakan Anda yang garing.
9.Jangan menyembunyikan IDENTITAS DIRIMU!
Jangan takut untuk menceritakan apa yang kamu suka, siapa dirimu, apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan walau kamu pedagang asongan! Yang penting HALAL dan MAU BERUSAHA, bung! Ini juga salah satu dari jargon "BE YOURSELF"!
10.Cobalah topik2 berikut ini dalam suatu percakapan :
b. Masa kanak-kanak dulu
c. Makanan
d. Rencana masa depan
f. Hobi masing-masing
g.Informasi apa saja tentang sang wanita
h.Mengamati tindak tanduk orang sekeliling
i.Kebudayaan masa kini
j.Gosip (jangan yang murahan)
k.Pengalaman pribadi yang menarik dan aneh
l. Pelajaran dari pengalaman tersebut[/SIZE]
11.Pujian terbaik adalah sesuatu yang unik dari kepribadian dari si wanita. Wanita sudah bosan dipuji kecantikannya.
Cobalah untuk memuji kecerdasannya, memuji karirnya, memuji pakaiannya dan lain sebagainya.
Apakah Taktik NEGS itu ? Taktik NEGS itu adalah taktik yang membuat keadaan seolah-olah kita benar-benar tidak tertarik kepada wanita incaran kita dengan cara meyindir secara halus. Taktik ini termasuk kontroversial, tapi WANITA akan terperangkap permainan ini walau bersifat sindiran. Efeknya adalah wanita tidak akan merasa di atas kita lagi. Biasanya berhasil untuk wanita yang BENAR-BENAR MENARIK.
contoh :
1.Dia : Saya Model Lo...
Anda : Model apa ya??? model kecantikan tangan begitu???
2.Anda : Kamu itu suka berkedip lho... *kedip *kedip*
3.Anda : Wah, baju kamu bagus banget ya, ada yang pake kayak gitu juga gak lama tadi saya lihat
4.Anda : Kamu imut banget ya....idung kamu gerak-gerak waktu kamu ngomong XD
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
Baby Monitors: Mom’s Best Friend
Pregnant mothers take care of themselves during gestation knowing that everything that they come upon would affect the tiny baby growing inside them. She would take every precaution to avoid anything that is detrimental to the baby. Part of it would be choosing the appropriate nutrition and activity to ensure the baby’s safety. The mother already loves the unborn child.
After nine long months of waiting, finally a baby is born into this world. Seeing how cumbersome the baby is, the parent’s protective nature is invoked. Any parent would vow to do everything for the baby and would not let anything harm the newborn. She would want to keep an eye on her child 24/7. However, there are a variety of roles that a parent has to perform. She has to divide her time in taking care of the baby and fulfilling her responsibilities to other family members, and most especially to themselves.
A mother has one, two, many things to do around the house while making certain that their well-being plus their husbands satisfaction is maintained. Keeping watch of the baby round the clock is simply an impossible feat. Nowadays, the wonder of technology has contributed much to the comfort of mankind. And mothers are truly blessed to have baby monitors in their aid that would ease their burden.
What are Baby Monitors
Baby monitors are technological device that serve as a pseudo mother who is in vigil at bedside. It is a radio transmitter that release FM (Frequency Modulated) signal most commonly between the ranges of 48,830 to 48,890 MHz. These devices have two components, the transmitter and the receiver. Transmitters are being placed 8-10 feet within the baby or closer if possible.
Sounds coming from the baby are being picked up and a signal is then transmitted to the receiver. On the other hand, receivers are being carried around the house or place somewhere that is accessible to the mother or whoever it is designated to keep watch of the baby. Usually, the transmitter is plugged into a socket from its stationary position while the receiver is battery operated since it could be brought anywhere.
What Baby Monitors Do
Baby monitors generally help mothers oversee the baby without being stuck inside the baby’s room all day. Through this, mothers are able to do what must be done around the house thereby accomplishing a lot. From the time baby monitors have been first released, countless of innovations have been made.
A variety of products not only permits auditory signals to be heard but even allow the mother from the receiver’s end to visualize their baby and play music to soothe the baby even from a distance. To this date, they are no longer just an electric device to keep an eye when the baby cries but offers a number of advantages in ascertaining the baby’s well-being.
Some top of the trade devices have sensors placed under the baby’s mattress that detects even the most subtle of movements including the baby’s breathing. When no movement is detected for a span of 20 seconds or if breathing is below the medically accepted rate, an alarm is triggered thereby notifying mommy.
This proves to be truly useful in perceiving life threatening conditions. Whatever type moms choose to have, it will contribute enormously in making mom’s life easier. Baby monitors are definitely mom’s best friend.
After nine long months of waiting, finally a baby is born into this world. Seeing how cumbersome the baby is, the parent’s protective nature is invoked. Any parent would vow to do everything for the baby and would not let anything harm the newborn. She would want to keep an eye on her child 24/7. However, there are a variety of roles that a parent has to perform. She has to divide her time in taking care of the baby and fulfilling her responsibilities to other family members, and most especially to themselves.
A mother has one, two, many things to do around the house while making certain that their well-being plus their husbands satisfaction is maintained. Keeping watch of the baby round the clock is simply an impossible feat. Nowadays, the wonder of technology has contributed much to the comfort of mankind. And mothers are truly blessed to have baby monitors in their aid that would ease their burden.
What are Baby Monitors
Baby monitors are technological device that serve as a pseudo mother who is in vigil at bedside. It is a radio transmitter that release FM (Frequency Modulated) signal most commonly between the ranges of 48,830 to 48,890 MHz. These devices have two components, the transmitter and the receiver. Transmitters are being placed 8-10 feet within the baby or closer if possible.
Sounds coming from the baby are being picked up and a signal is then transmitted to the receiver. On the other hand, receivers are being carried around the house or place somewhere that is accessible to the mother or whoever it is designated to keep watch of the baby. Usually, the transmitter is plugged into a socket from its stationary position while the receiver is battery operated since it could be brought anywhere.
What Baby Monitors Do
Baby monitors generally help mothers oversee the baby without being stuck inside the baby’s room all day. Through this, mothers are able to do what must be done around the house thereby accomplishing a lot. From the time baby monitors have been first released, countless of innovations have been made.
A variety of products not only permits auditory signals to be heard but even allow the mother from the receiver’s end to visualize their baby and play music to soothe the baby even from a distance. To this date, they are no longer just an electric device to keep an eye when the baby cries but offers a number of advantages in ascertaining the baby’s well-being.
Some top of the trade devices have sensors placed under the baby’s mattress that detects even the most subtle of movements including the baby’s breathing. When no movement is detected for a span of 20 seconds or if breathing is below the medically accepted rate, an alarm is triggered thereby notifying mommy.
This proves to be truly useful in perceiving life threatening conditions. Whatever type moms choose to have, it will contribute enormously in making mom’s life easier. Baby monitors are definitely mom’s best friend.
Are Digital Baby Monitors Safe for Children?
Today, almost everything has gone digital. Cellular phones, computers and even simple household appliances, such as telephones and microwaves, have all switched to digital technology. However, the growing concern of many is whether these hi-tech gadgets can be considered safe for our health, especially in gadgets such as baby monitors that are usually placed in such a close distance to children.
A lot of parents nowadays fear that if they use a digital monitor to help them keep watch of their child, they might be exposing their offspring to too much of electromagnetic radiation and this may cause significant damage to the child’s nervous system. Children, after all, are much more prone to damage as their systems are still developing at such a young age. So we ask the question that many of these parents want to know, is it really safe to use digital baby monitors for children?
What is Electro-SMOG and How Does It Threaten Our Health?
Electro-SMOG is the electromagnetic energy that is emitted by common gadgets in our home such as our televisions, cordless phones, microwaves and digital baby monitors. Studies have been made over the years claiming that too much exposure to electro-SMOG can result to health problems affecting the nervous system of the body. A person may have such initial symptoms of headaches, disruptive sleep patterns, chronic fatigue and abnormal behavioral patterns in children.
How Are Baby Monitors Different from Other Gadgets with Electro-smog?
Because of the huge possibility of the electromagnetic energy used in the digital technology of modern baby monitors, a lot of parents are fearful for the safety of their child. But on the other hand, manufacturing companies of these digital monitors claim that the amount of radiation that their baby monitors emit are at levels that do not pose serious danger to children.
Phillips is one of these manufacturing companies that claim that the level of electro-smog released by their gadgets are 10,000 times lower from the safety norms that are accepted internationally. The company also adds a recommendation that for parents to have total peace of mind, they can position the monitoring device at least a meter away from the child.
Going digital in such technologies has many benefits, but there really are minimal risks involved. The digital models of baby monitors have proven over the years to be better in reception as compared to that of the older analog version. These models have also proven to be much better at providing privacy for the family. However, for many parents who are concerned with the safety of their child, switching to modern technology can certainly be frightening.
But as long as one knows how to set certain prevention methods such as placing the monitor at a safe distance from the baby (at least one meter) and not adding a lot of other appliances inside the baby’s room such as televisions or computers, then much harm on the child’s health can greatly be prevented. Always keep in mind that the monitor’s distance from the child is very important.
The greater the distance of the monitor from the child, then there is also a greater reduction to the amount of exposure to radiation. Most manufacturing companies nowadays have also been improving their products to make them less health threatening.
In conclusion, parents can always have the option for opting to the hi-tech digital baby monitors especially because its many benefits, but if fear for the safety of the child is still present, always remember that there are precautions that one can follow to minimize risks.
A lot of parents nowadays fear that if they use a digital monitor to help them keep watch of their child, they might be exposing their offspring to too much of electromagnetic radiation and this may cause significant damage to the child’s nervous system. Children, after all, are much more prone to damage as their systems are still developing at such a young age. So we ask the question that many of these parents want to know, is it really safe to use digital baby monitors for children?
What is Electro-SMOG and How Does It Threaten Our Health?
Electro-SMOG is the electromagnetic energy that is emitted by common gadgets in our home such as our televisions, cordless phones, microwaves and digital baby monitors. Studies have been made over the years claiming that too much exposure to electro-SMOG can result to health problems affecting the nervous system of the body. A person may have such initial symptoms of headaches, disruptive sleep patterns, chronic fatigue and abnormal behavioral patterns in children.
How Are Baby Monitors Different from Other Gadgets with Electro-smog?
Because of the huge possibility of the electromagnetic energy used in the digital technology of modern baby monitors, a lot of parents are fearful for the safety of their child. But on the other hand, manufacturing companies of these digital monitors claim that the amount of radiation that their baby monitors emit are at levels that do not pose serious danger to children.
Phillips is one of these manufacturing companies that claim that the level of electro-smog released by their gadgets are 10,000 times lower from the safety norms that are accepted internationally. The company also adds a recommendation that for parents to have total peace of mind, they can position the monitoring device at least a meter away from the child.
Going digital in such technologies has many benefits, but there really are minimal risks involved. The digital models of baby monitors have proven over the years to be better in reception as compared to that of the older analog version. These models have also proven to be much better at providing privacy for the family. However, for many parents who are concerned with the safety of their child, switching to modern technology can certainly be frightening.
But as long as one knows how to set certain prevention methods such as placing the monitor at a safe distance from the baby (at least one meter) and not adding a lot of other appliances inside the baby’s room such as televisions or computers, then much harm on the child’s health can greatly be prevented. Always keep in mind that the monitor’s distance from the child is very important.
The greater the distance of the monitor from the child, then there is also a greater reduction to the amount of exposure to radiation. Most manufacturing companies nowadays have also been improving their products to make them less health threatening.
In conclusion, parents can always have the option for opting to the hi-tech digital baby monitors especially because its many benefits, but if fear for the safety of the child is still present, always remember that there are precautions that one can follow to minimize risks.
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
SQL Syntax
Database Tables
A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name (e.g. "Customers" or "Orders"). Tables contain records (rows) with data.
Below is an example of a table called "Persons":
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
3 Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
The table above contains three records (one for each person) and five columns (P_Id, LastName, FirstName, Address, and City).
SQL Statements
Most of the actions you need to perform on a database are done with SQL statements.
The following SQL statement will select all the records in the "Persons" table:
In this tutorial we will teach you all about the different SQL statements.
Keep in Mind That...
SQL is not case sensitive
Semicolon after SQL Statements?
Some database systems require a semicolon at the end of each SQL statement.
Semicolon is the standard way to separate each SQL statement in database systems that allow more than one SQL statement to be executed in the same call to the server.
We are using MS Access and SQL Server 2000 and we do not have to put a semicolon after each SQL statement, but some database programs force you to use it.
SQL can be divided into two parts: The Data Manipulation Language (DML) and the Data Definition Language (DDL).
The query and update commands form the DML part of SQL:
SELECT - extracts data from a database
UPDATE - updates data in a database
DELETE - deletes data from a database
INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database
The DDL part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted. It also defines indexes (keys), specifies links between tables, and imposes constraints between tables. The most important DDL statements in SQL are:
CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database
CREATE TABLE - creates a new table
ALTER TABLE - modifies a table
DROP TABLE - deletes a table
CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)
DROP INDEX - deletes an index
A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name (e.g. "Customers" or "Orders"). Tables contain records (rows) with data.
Below is an example of a table called "Persons":
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
3 Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
The table above contains three records (one for each person) and five columns (P_Id, LastName, FirstName, Address, and City).
SQL Statements
Most of the actions you need to perform on a database are done with SQL statements.
The following SQL statement will select all the records in the "Persons" table:
In this tutorial we will teach you all about the different SQL statements.
Keep in Mind That...
SQL is not case sensitive
Semicolon after SQL Statements?
Some database systems require a semicolon at the end of each SQL statement.
Semicolon is the standard way to separate each SQL statement in database systems that allow more than one SQL statement to be executed in the same call to the server.
We are using MS Access and SQL Server 2000 and we do not have to put a semicolon after each SQL statement, but some database programs force you to use it.
SQL can be divided into two parts: The Data Manipulation Language (DML) and the Data Definition Language (DDL).
The query and update commands form the DML part of SQL:
SELECT - extracts data from a database
UPDATE - updates data in a database
DELETE - deletes data from a database
INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database
The DDL part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted. It also defines indexes (keys), specifies links between tables, and imposes constraints between tables. The most important DDL statements in SQL are:
CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database
CREATE TABLE - creates a new table
ALTER TABLE - modifies a table
DROP TABLE - deletes a table
CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)
DROP INDEX - deletes an index
Introduction to SQL
What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language
SQL lets you access and manipulate databases
SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard
What Can SQL do?
SQL can execute queries against a database
SQL can retrieve data from a database
SQL can insert records in a database
SQL can update records in a database
SQL can delete records from a database
SQL can create new databases
SQL can create new tables in a database
SQL can create stored procedures in a database
SQL can create views in a database
SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
SQL is a Standard - BUT....
Although SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard, there are many different versions of the SQL language.
However, to be compliant with the ANSI standard, they all support at least the major commands (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE) in a similar manner.
Note: Most of the SQL database programs also have their own proprietary extensions in addition to the SQL standard!
Using SQL in Your Web Site
To build a web site that shows some data from a database, you will need the following:
An RDBMS database program (i.e. MS Access, SQL Server, MySQL)
A server-side scripting language, like PHP or ASP
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems such as MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.
The data in RDBMS is stored in database objects called tables.
A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language
SQL lets you access and manipulate databases
SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard
What Can SQL do?
SQL can execute queries against a database
SQL can retrieve data from a database
SQL can insert records in a database
SQL can update records in a database
SQL can delete records from a database
SQL can create new databases
SQL can create new tables in a database
SQL can create stored procedures in a database
SQL can create views in a database
SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
SQL is a Standard - BUT....
Although SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard, there are many different versions of the SQL language.
However, to be compliant with the ANSI standard, they all support at least the major commands (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE) in a similar manner.
Note: Most of the SQL database programs also have their own proprietary extensions in addition to the SQL standard!
Using SQL in Your Web Site
To build a web site that shows some data from a database, you will need the following:
An RDBMS database program (i.e. MS Access, SQL Server, MySQL)
A server-side scripting language, like PHP or ASP
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems such as MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.
The data in RDBMS is stored in database objects called tables.
A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.
Kamis, 08 Maret 2012
Pencak Silat TAPAK SUCI merupakan beladiri Indonesia yang tidak saja menekankan daya gunanya pada ilmu beladiri (perkelahian) semata, namun juga menekankan daya guna yang sama kuat dalam hal seni. Sebagai ilmu beladiri, TAPAK SUCI merupakan ilmu beladiri yang praktis. Sifatnya yang metodis dan dinamis-lah yang membuat beladiri ini menjadi beladiri yang praktis yang terus berkembang dan menata diri. Keilmuan ragawi Pencak Silat TAPAK SUCI tersimpul dalam delapan kelompok jurus, yang masing-masing jurus diambil namanya dari nama-nama flora dan fauna. Delapan Jurus itu adalah: Mawar, Katak, Naga, Ikan Terbang, Merpati, Rajawali, Lembu, dan Harimau. Masing-masing memiliki karakter dan pola yang khas. Berbasis pada delapan jurus itulah keilmuan TAPAK SUCI dikembangkan. Terlebih dengan masuknya beberapa pendekar di daerah, kiranya menambah perbendahaarn keilmuan yang membuatnya makin berharga untuk dipelajari oleh setiap mereka yang merasa sebagai pewarisnya.
Tak terbatas pada permainan tangan kosong, TAPAK SUCI pun mengenal permainan senjata. Filosofi ini diambil ketika Pendekar Besar M. Barie Irsjad menemukan formula bahwa jika ingin mengalahkan orang bersenjata maka harus memahami permainan senjataBeladiri is a science
Sejak awal di dalam TAPAK SUCI memang telah populer istilah adu kaweruh. Ditambah dengan keilmuannya yang metodis dan dinamis, TAPAK SUCI berhasil mengantarkan pewarisnya untuk berpikir rasional dan ilmiah. Beberapa nama seperti M. Wahib, M.Zahid, dan M. Barie Irsjad, mereka dapat disebut sebagai ikon-ikon kejeniusan dalam keilmuan beladiri TAPAK SUCI. Semangat inilah yang mengantarkan pewaris keilmuan ini kepada pintu gerbang ilmu, dimana disitu terdapat suatu kenyataan bahwa beladiri is a science--dimana beladiri adalah ilmu pengetahuan.
Salah satu ciri khas TAPAK SUCI adalah dalam penampilannya bersifat rasional, bukan emosional, adalah faktanya. Diiringi dengan semangat Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah, memperkuat jati diri TAPAK SUCI sebagai pencak silat Islami. Kiranya itulah kelanjutan dari periode perintisan pencak silat oleh kaum 'ulama, dimana pencak silat dikembangkan oleh kaum yang berilmu.
Ini semua tidak lepas dari do'a dan cita-cita para pendekar-pendekar pendahulu, termasuk sejak pra kelahiran TAPAK SUCI. Ini semua pula tak lepas dari do'a dan cita-cita para ulama, termasuk para ulama dan pendekar di Muhammadiyah. TAPAK SUCI tidak dibuat dalam satu malam atau satu dua hari. Selain itu TAPAK SUCI tidak tidak didesain untuk sanggup berdiri hanya selama lima atau sepuluh tahun saja. Namun sebaliknya kemunculan TAPAK SUCI telah melalui proses evolusi yang panjang, dan dirancang untuk sanggup berdiri selama-lamanya. Bahkan sejak berdirinya, para sesepuh telah mencita-citakan agar gerakan TAPAK SUCI bukan semata gerakan kampung semata, tetapi menjadi gerakan dunia.
Tak terbatas pada permainan tangan kosong, TAPAK SUCI pun mengenal permainan senjata. Filosofi ini diambil ketika Pendekar Besar M. Barie Irsjad menemukan formula bahwa jika ingin mengalahkan orang bersenjata maka harus memahami permainan senjataBeladiri is a science
Sejak awal di dalam TAPAK SUCI memang telah populer istilah adu kaweruh. Ditambah dengan keilmuannya yang metodis dan dinamis, TAPAK SUCI berhasil mengantarkan pewarisnya untuk berpikir rasional dan ilmiah. Beberapa nama seperti M. Wahib, M.Zahid, dan M. Barie Irsjad, mereka dapat disebut sebagai ikon-ikon kejeniusan dalam keilmuan beladiri TAPAK SUCI. Semangat inilah yang mengantarkan pewaris keilmuan ini kepada pintu gerbang ilmu, dimana disitu terdapat suatu kenyataan bahwa beladiri is a science--dimana beladiri adalah ilmu pengetahuan.
Salah satu ciri khas TAPAK SUCI adalah dalam penampilannya bersifat rasional, bukan emosional, adalah faktanya. Diiringi dengan semangat Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah, memperkuat jati diri TAPAK SUCI sebagai pencak silat Islami. Kiranya itulah kelanjutan dari periode perintisan pencak silat oleh kaum 'ulama, dimana pencak silat dikembangkan oleh kaum yang berilmu.
Ini semua tidak lepas dari do'a dan cita-cita para pendekar-pendekar pendahulu, termasuk sejak pra kelahiran TAPAK SUCI. Ini semua pula tak lepas dari do'a dan cita-cita para ulama, termasuk para ulama dan pendekar di Muhammadiyah. TAPAK SUCI tidak dibuat dalam satu malam atau satu dua hari. Selain itu TAPAK SUCI tidak tidak didesain untuk sanggup berdiri hanya selama lima atau sepuluh tahun saja. Namun sebaliknya kemunculan TAPAK SUCI telah melalui proses evolusi yang panjang, dan dirancang untuk sanggup berdiri selama-lamanya. Bahkan sejak berdirinya, para sesepuh telah mencita-citakan agar gerakan TAPAK SUCI bukan semata gerakan kampung semata, tetapi menjadi gerakan dunia.
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