Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Ringkasan Sejarah TAPAK SUCI

Perguruan Seni Beladiri Indonesia TAPAK SUCI PUTERA MUHAMMADIYAH atau disingkat TAPAK SUCI, adalah sebuah aliran, perguruan, dan organisasi pencak silat yang merupakan anggota IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia). TAPAK SUCI termasuk dalam 10 Perguruan Historis IPSI, yaitu perguruan yang menunjang tumbuh dan berkembangnya IPSI sebagai organisasi. TAPAK SUCI berasas Islam, bersumber pada Al Qur'an dan As-Sunnah, berjiwa persaudaraan, berada di bawah naungan Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi otonom yang ke-11. TAPAK SUCI berdiri pada tanggal 10 Rabiul Awal 1383 H, atau bertepatan dengan tanggal 31 Juli 1963 di Kauman, Yogyakarta. Motto dari TAPAK SUCI adalah "Dengan Iman dan Akhlak saya menjadi kuat, tanpa Iman dan Akhlak saya menjadi lemah".

Aliran TAPAK SUCI, adalah keilmuan pencak silat yang berlandaskan Al Islam, bersih dari syirik dan menyesatkan, dengan sikap mental dan gerak langkah yang merupakan tindak tanduk kesucian dan mengutamakan Iman dan Akhlak, serta berakar pada aliran Banjaran-Kauman, yang kemudian dikembangkan dengan metodis dan dinamis.

Perguruan TAPAK SUCI, adalah perguruan yang merupakan peleburan sekaligus kelanjutan dari tiga paguron yang pernah ada sebelumnya, yaitu: Kasegu, Seranoman, dan Kauman, berlandaskan Al Islam dan berjiwa ajaran KH. Ahmad Dahlan, membina pencak silat yang berwatak serta berkepribadian Indonesia, melestarikan budaya bangsa yang luhur dan bermoral, serta mengabdikan perguruan untuk perjuangan agama, bangsa, dan negara.

Organisasi TAPAK SUCI berkiprah sebagai organisasi pencak silat, berinduk kepada Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia, dan dalam bidang dakwah pergerakan TAPAK SUCI merupakan pencetak kader Muhammadiyah.

Pimpinan Pusat TAPAK SUCI PUTERA MUHAMMADIYAH berkedudukan di Kauman, Yogyakarta, dan memiliki kantor perwakilan di ibukota negara.

Sejarah Lahir nya Jurus Jurus Tapak Suci

Sebelum resmi berdiri, jurus-jurus khas TAPAK SUCI pada awalnya diberi nama dengan nomor, seperti Jurus 1, 2, dst. Setelah TAPAK SUCI dideklarasikan di tahun 1963, jurus-jurus itu diberi nama dengan nama-nama flora dan fauna. Dasar penamaan ini agar senantiasa mengingat kebesaran Allah yang berkuasa menciptakan segala mahluk. Selain itu hal ini mengandung arti bahwa jurus TAPAK SUCI yang kosong akan sama halnya dengan tumbuhan dan hewan, yang hanya memiliki naluri dan hawa nafsu, tanpa memiliki akal dan budi pekerti, tanpa memiliki Iman dan Akhlak.

Terdapat 8 (delapan) jurus khas di dalam TAPAK SUCI, yaitu:

Jurus Mawar

Jurus Katak

Jurus Naga

Jurus Ikan Terbang

Jurus Lembu

Jurus Rajawali

Jurus Merpati

Jurus Harimau

Kedelapan Jurus ini diaplikasikan untuk Permainan Tangan Kosong maupun Bersenjata, baik untuk kegunaan olahraga, seni, maupun beladiri. Setiap Jurus ini memiliki Sikap Awal, yaitu sikap awal pesilat TAPAK SUCI yang mendahului setiap permainan jurus.

by ukm tapak suci kampus UMY, universitas muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Video Try in kampus UAD

Auditorium kampus 1 Universita Ahmad Dahlan, dipenuhi dengan seragam merah–merah bergaris kuning, seragam khas dari perguruan Pencak Silat Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah. Pada hari yang cerah tersebut, Tapak Suci UAD menyelenggarakan kegiatan Try In (Uji Coba) yang dihadiri 230 peserta dari berbagai perguruan tinggi swasta maupun negeri Se- DIY, JATENG dan JATIM.

Try In Tapak Suci yang diselenggarakan oleh ORTOM Tapak Suci UAD ini secara resmi dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor III UAD Drs. Muchlas, M.T. yang juga dihadiri oleh Ketua Wilayah Tapak suci DIY Bapak Jam’an, Dosen Pendamping Gatot Sugiharto, S.H., M.H. serta dimeriahkan oleh alunan suara gamelan dari UKM Karawitan UAD.” Kegiatan- kegiatan Tapak Suci yang juga sebagai salah satu Ortom Muhammadiyah yang bergerak di bidang seni bela diri harus selalu dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan dari segi keilmuan dan prestasi” ujar Wakil Rektor III UAD.

Try In tahun 2011 ini berbeda dibandingkan dengan Try In sebelumnya, khususnya dari jumlah peserta dan kemasan acaranya. “Luar biasa acara tahun ini, pesertanya banyak banget dan dikemas seperti kejuaraan-kejuaran nasional” ujar salahsatu pesilat asal Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. “Acara sederhana tapi sangat bersemarak, sambutan dari sahabat-sahabat Tapak Suci UAD luar biasa, terimakasih banyak “ ungkap peserta asal Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

Bukan hanya terjalinnya silaturahmi antar aggota Tapak Suci perguruan tinggi saja yang menjadi tujuan diadakannya acara ini, akan tetapi juga mengembangkan serta menciptakan potensi mahasiswa sebagai wasit juri dalam kejuaraan antar mahasiswa, serta merupakan ajang pemanasan Tapak Suci UAD menjelang Kejuaraan Pencak Silat Antar Perguruan Tinggi IV di Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar yang akan diselenggarakan pada akhir tahun ini. Selain itu, juga sebagai persiapan penyelenggaraan Kejuaraan Tapak Suci Antar Perguruan Tinggi “REKTOR UAD CUP IV” yang akan digelar pada awal 2012 sebagai rangkaian kegiatan Milad ke-51 UADAuditorium kampus 1 Universita Ahmad Dahlan, dipenuhi dengan seragam merah–merah bergaris kuning, seragam khas dari perguruan Pencak Silat Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah. Pada hari yang cerah tersebut, Tapak Suci UAD menyelenggarakan kegiatan Try In (Uji Coba) yang dihadiri 230 peserta dari berbagai perguruan tinggi swasta maupun negeri Se- DIY, JATENG dan JATIM.

Try In Tapak Suci yang diselenggarakan oleh ORTOM Tapak Suci UAD ini secara resmi dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor III UAD Drs. Muchlas, M.T. yang juga dihadiri oleh Ketua Wilayah Tapak suci DIY Bapak Jam’an, Dosen Pendamping Gatot Sugiharto, S.H., M.H. serta dimeriahkan oleh alunan suara gamelan dari UKM Karawitan UAD.” Kegiatan- kegiatan Tapak Suci yang juga sebagai salah satu Ortom Muhammadiyah yang bergerak di bidang seni bela diri harus selalu dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan dari segi keilmuan dan prestasi” ujar Wakil Rektor III UAD.

Try In tahun 2011 ini berbeda dibandingkan dengan Try In sebelumnya, khususnya dari jumlah peserta dan kemasan acaranya. “Luar biasa acara tahun ini, pesertanya banyak banget dan dikemas seperti kejuaraan-kejuaran nasional” ujar salahsatu pesilat asal Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. “Acara sederhana tapi sangat bersemarak, sambutan dari sahabat-sahabat Tapak Suci UAD luar biasa, terimakasih banyak “ ungkap peserta asal Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

Bukan hanya terjalinnya silaturahmi antar aggota Tapak Suci perguruan tinggi saja yang menjadi tujuan diadakannya acara ini, akan tetapi juga mengembangkan serta menciptakan potensi mahasiswa sebagai wasit juri dalam kejuaraan antar mahasiswa, serta merupakan ajang pemanasan Tapak Suci UAD menjelang Kejuaraan Pencak Silat Antar Perguruan Tinggi IV di Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar yang akan diselenggarakan pada akhir tahun ini. Selain itu, juga sebagai persiapan penyelenggaraan Kejuaraan Tapak Suci Antar Perguruan Tinggi “REKTOR UAD CUP IV” yang akan digelar pada awal 2012 sebagai rangkaian kegiatan Milad ke-51 UAD

video pertandingannya lihat disini

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011






1. Organisasi ini adalah Perguruan Seni Beladiri Indonesia Pencak Silat bernama TAPAK SUCI PUTERA MUHAMMADIYAH disingkat TAPAK SUCI

2. TAPAK SUCI ber-AQIDAH ISLAM bersumber pada AL-QUR’AN dan As-Sunnah, berjiwa persaudaraan, berada dibawah…..Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi otonom.

3. TAPAK SUCI didirikan di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 10 Dulhijah 1383 Hijriah bertepatan dengan 31 Juli 1963 ….. waktu yang tidak ditentukan.

4. Pimpinan pusat TAPAK SUCI berkedudukan di Yogyakarta …..


TAPAK SUCI Berdasarkan Pancasila


Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan nasional sebagi yang termaktub dalam Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, TAPAK SUCI menetapkan :

1. Mendidik dan membina ketangkasan dan ketrampilan Pencak Silat sebagai Seni Beladiri Indonesia

2. Memelihara kemurnian Pencak Silat sebagai Seni Beladiri Indonesia yang sesuai dan tidak menyimpang dari ajaran Islam, sebagai budaya bangsa yang luhur dan bermoral

3. Mendidik dan membina anggota untuk menjadi Kader Muhammadiyah

4. Melalui Seni Beladiri menggembirakan dan mengamalkan Da’wah Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Mungkar dalam usaha mempertinggi ketahanan Nasional

Struktur Organisasi

Ditingkat Pimpinan Pusat dibentuk Majelis Pertimbangan Organisasi (MPO)

MPO diangkat dan disahkan oleh Tanwir

Fungsi dan tugas MPO adalah :

1. Memberikan nasehat kepada pimpinan Organisasi baik diminta maupun tidak

2. Memberikan pertimbangan dan evaluasi pelaksanaan program organisasi

3. Menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi dalam tubuh organisasi yang tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh Pimpinan Pusat TAPAK SUCI

TAPAK SUCI bergerak dalam wilayah Negara Indonesia dan perwakilan di Luar Negeri, dengan tingkatan sbb :

Pimpinan Pusat TAPAK SUCI

Pimpinan Wilayah TAPAK SUCI

Pimpinan Daerah TAPAK SUCI

Cabang / Unit TAPAK SUCI



Bentuk Bulat : Bertekad bulat

Berdasar Biru : Keagungan

Bertepi Hitam : Kekal dan abadi melambangkan sifat ALLAH SWT

Bunga Mawar : Keharuman

Warna Merah : Keberanian

Daun Kelopak Hijau : Kesempurnaan

Bunga Melati Putih : Kesucian

Jumlah Sebelas : rukun Islam dan rukun Iman

Tangan Kanan Putih : Keutamaan

Terbuka : Kejujuran

Berjari Rapat : Keeratan

Ibu Jari Tertekuk : Kerendahan Hati

Sinar Matahari Kuning : Putera Muhammadiyah

Keseluhan lambang tersimpul dengan nama TAPAK SUCI “ Bertekad bulat mengagungkan asma ALLAH SWT yang kekal dan abadi, dengan keberanian menyerbakkan keharuman dengan sempurna, dengan kesucian menuaikan Rukun Islam dan Rukun Iman, serta mengutamakan keeratan dan kejujuran dengan kerendahan hati.


Seragam latihan, celana dan baju warna merah, dengan strip kuning pada leher, lengan dan kaki. Dengan sabuk menurut tingkatannya, siswa sabuk kuning, kader sabuk biru, pendekar sabuk hitam. Untuk putri memakai jilbab hitam.



  1. Setia menjalankan ibadah dengan ikhlas karena Allah semata

  2. Mengabdi kepada Allah, bangsa dan negara serta membela keadilan dan kebenaran

  3. Menjauhkan diri dari segala perangai dan tingkah laku yang tercela

  4. Mencari perdamaian dan kasih sayang serta menjauhi perselisihan dan permusuhan

  5. Patuh dan taat pada peraturan-peraturan serta percaya kepada kebijaksanaan pimpinan

  6. Dengan Iman dan Akhlak saya menjadi kuat, Tanpa Iman dan Akhlak saya menjadi lemah



Setia kepada Perguruan TAPAK SUCI

Taat kepada peraturan-peraturan dan tunduk kepada pimpinan

Sanggup menjaga nama baik perguruan TAPAK SUCI serta menjadi tauladan yang utama sebagai muslim

Membayar uang pendidikan

Mendapat atribut dan pendidikan sesuai dengan tingkatnya


Siswa Dasar

Melati 1

Melati 2

Melati 3

Melati 4

Kader Kader dasar

Kader Muda

Kader Madya

Kader Kepala

Kader Utama

Jenjang Pembinaan

Pendekar Muda

Pendekar Madya

Pendekar Kepala

Pendekar Utama

Pendekar Besar


Pasal 12

MUKTAMAR merupakan musyawarah tertinggi PERGURUAN TAPAK SUCI yang diadakan setiap 5 (lima) tahun sekali atas undangan Pimpinan Pusat PERGURUAN TAPAK SUCI

Pasal 13

TANWIR merupakan musyawarah tertinggi dibawah muktamar yang diadakan sekurang-kurangnya 2 (dua) tahun sekali atas undangan Pimpinan Pusat TAPAK SUCI

Pasal 14

RAPAT KERJA NASIONAL (RAKERNAS) merupakan musyawarah bidang yang diadakan menurut kebutuhan atas undanganPimpinan Pusat PERGURUAN TAPAK SUCI

Pasal 15

Musyawarah Wilayah adalah musyawarah tertinggi ditingkat wilayah yang diadakan setiap 5 (lima) tahun sekali atas undangan Pimpinan Wilayah TAPAK SUCI

Pasal 16

Musyawarah daerah adalah musyawarah tertinggi ditingkat daerah yang diadakan setiap 5 (lima) tahun sekali atas undangan Pimpinan Daerah TAPAK SUCI

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Keyword Lists – Their Proper Care And Feeding

One of your most important marketing assets is your Keyword List. But are you giving your Keyword List the attention it deserves? Is your Keyword List getting a little shaggy around the edges? Are your keywords becoming old and out of date? Is your Keyword List not behaving at its best, possibly due to neglect?

To properly care for your Keyword List you need to understand its different needs and functions. We can divide the list into several broad categories.

1) Master...
keywords,internet,seo,search engines,search engine optimization,site optimization,code optimization
One of your most important marketing assets is your Keyword List. But are you giving your Keyword List the attention it deserves? Is your Keyword List getting a little shaggy around the edges? Are your keywords becoming old and out of date? Is your Keyword List not behaving at its best, possibly due to neglect?

To properly care for your Keyword List you need to understand its different needs and functions. We can divide the list into several broad categories.

1) Master Keyword List – this list has all the keywords that you can come up with for your particular need. All other lists are taken from this Master List.

2) Pay-Per-Click List – this is a subset of the Master List and will vary depending on how you are using PPC and which search engines you are buying positions in.

3) Tag List – this subset of the Master List helps you fill in those Meta Tag fields. Although many search engines are not currently paying much attention to Meta Tags, that could change at any time and the search engines will not let us know if or when they begin watching Meta Tags again. So the safe bet is to still keep these tags properly populated.

4) Web Site List – this is another subset of the Master List and is more targeted than the PPC list. This list also helps you write powerful content on your site. And don’t forget to refer to this list when setting up the Alt tags for your images (you are using Alt tags aren’t you?).

5) Email List – Are you using keywords in your email? You should be. Keywords are not only used to help people find your site in search engines, but they are words people are actively searching for. Your marketing should be addressing their needs, and your keyword list shows you what they are looking for. Just like creating copy on a web page, use the keyword list to target your email campaigns as well.

So how do you go about creating the Master Keyword list? You first have to decide what you need from your keywords. Most likely you will have a product or service that will dictate the broad category for the list. As an example I will use Nikon Camera as my starting point. Maybe I have a site that specializes in information about Nikons, or I have a store that sells Nikon Cameras, or maybe I sell software that would complement a Nikon Camera. These questions and more will begin to focus your keyword search.

Start by building a basic list using this approach, you don’t need to capitalize, leave everything lowercase.

nikon, nikon camera, nikon information, nikon sales, nikon software

Put down the basic keywords that spring into your head when thinking about your subject. This does not need to be an exhaustive list, just a starting point.

We now need to expand on this list by using tools freely available on the internet. My personal favorite is on in their Resource Center. They have a valuable little tool called the Keyword Selector Tool. This tool will give you a list of keyword searches on Overture over a one month period. Simply type in your keyword and hit the button. You will get a list of keywords including the keyword you typed in and the number of searches performed on the keyword.

A search for “Nikon” came back with 100 keyword possibilities. Depending on your original keyword search you may have to clean this list up a bit before using it. For instance one of the keywords was “Nikon rifle scopes”, not what I need so I will delete that one. I usually copy the information from this web page and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet where I can manipulate it as I like. Each month you may get a different set of keywords on Overture, so don’t just do this one time and forget it. Keep on checking back to add more keywords to your list.

Another valuable tool is over on Google. (
You can also find this tool in the Tools section of Google Adwords. This is used like the Overture tool, simply type in your keyword and click on Get More Keywords. This search gave me 225 possible keywords, many of which I will clean out. A nice feature of the Adwords tool is that it allows you to download the list as a CSV file for use in Excel or another program.

There are many other sources for keyword lists. A good place to start is on Search Engine Watch at

Don’t forget specialized sites like eBay. They have a banner ad program named eBay Keywords where you can find suggestions for keywords to use with banner ads on eBay.

And finally pay attention to the log files for your web site. You will have a list of searches people used to find your site. This is a very targeted list of keywords that were actually successful in driving traffic to your site.

Now that you have a huge list of keywords you are ready to create your Master Keyword List. Place all these keywords into a spreadsheet and clean out the inappropriate keywords (like “Nikon Binoculars”). Then arrange in order from most relevant to least relevant.

You need to weed this Master List down for your PPC campaign. You may find that the keywords near the top of your list are the most expensive and that the ones in the middle may have a better cost to sales ratio. But the more keywords you can use on PPC, the broader your exposure.

The top 25 should work well for your Meta Tag list. Depending on your needs you may need to remove duplicate words. Try to limit any individual word to 5 uses or less (example: don’t use “nikon” more than 5 times).

The top 10 keywords are your sales words for your web site and email campaigns since these are the most tightly focused keywords in the list.

Don’t forget that the needs of your list will be changing as the market place shifts. Every month or so do a new search for keywords to keep your keyword list up to date. Trim out the words that are either no longer appropriate or effective. Be sure to keep an eye on your log files. Keep your sub-lists current. And give your Keyword List the care and attention it needs to live a long and active life.

And finally, if only 4 people purchase some training off of my site due to the keywords in this article I can finally get that Nikon Camera that I have been wanting.

You Must Use The Rights Key Words To Succeed In The SEO Game

Unless you have a huge advertising budget, using SEO optimization and effective keyword strategy in the long run will be less expensive than buying ad space or purchasing placement with click campaigns.
Know what words your customers will use when searching.
You might know what your customers search for. If not, find out. Is it a description of "pants" or "jeans?" One may be searched more often than the other, but why not target both? How about "executive gifts?" Maybe "desk accessories" will broaden your web site marketing strategy.

Ask all kinds of people. Get advice from people in all walks of life including management, employees, customers, vendors, friends and family on how they would search for effective search engine positioning keywords. Ask them how they would search for different products and services. It's really not about what you think they would search for, its about what they think. Believe me, they can many times be two totally different things.

Once you have successfully harvested a meaningful keyword list, remove any keywords that are too targeted or not to specific. Also remember that keyword placement is important. Try to put as many keywords as possible in the beginning paragraphs, and of course the title line.

The higher the value of the keyword the more competition you will have. Every SEO utilizes tools similar to the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool and also know the value of a keyword. The lower the value of the keyword the less competition we will have.

We don't want to aim to low but we also don't want to aim to high. We need to find a middle ground. For you that may be a keyword with a value of no less than 1000 and no more than 10,000. It will be up to you to determine what you deem reasonable.

Also, the keywords should appear regularly throughout the opening Web page. It is especially important that they appear frequently in the opening paragraphs.
However, resist the temptation to overuse keywords. The search engines can spot it and will reduce your page rankings. Tools are available to help with optimal keyword density. However, avoid software that writes the site's pages. Search engines can sniff these out, too.

A good rule of thumb is: Never sacrifice quality of content for keyword placement. This will affect your page ranking. Most importantly, your site won't appeal to visitors. For a FREE EBOOK detailing the fastest way to the top of the search engine

Your Guide to Top Search Engine Rankings

The most important techniques to ensure your website achieves high rankings in the search engines
Does it seem like no matter what you do your website just won't climb up in the search engine rankings? If so, your web site may not be optimized well enough for the search engines to increase your rankings. There are some very important factors that determine where web sites are ranked. These factors are referred to as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and they can make all the difference in your sites rankings.

Here are some of the most important factors that the search engines use in determining your rankings:

1. Web Site Content

Content on your site is one of the most important factors for successful search engine optimization. Your web site should provide valuable information on specific subjects relevant to your web site. Furthermore, your content should be updated regularly. It's not enough to just put up a few content pages full of information on your site and then never add to it. This is a continuous process that will help your search engine rankings if done correctly.

It's also important that you don't try to trick the search engines by flooding them with multiple versions of the same page, repeating the same content over and over. Doing that will not help your rankings and will eventually lead to your site getting banned from the search engines.

2. Link Popularity

Inbound links are very important for achieving high search engine rankings. Most of the search engines today regard link popularity as one of the most significant determinants of your website's rankings.

Here are some of the best ways to get inbound links:

* Articles - Writing and submitting articles to website's and article directories is a very good way to get inbound links.

* Content - Not only will adding quality content help in your rankings by itself, it will also help you with your link popularity. Other webmaster's will want to link to your site because it is valuable to them and their own visitors.

* Directories - Submitting your site to online directories will help you gain inbound links.

* Blogs - Start a blog that you update frequently with information related to your website's niche. Then, link to your site from the blog. You can also submit your blog to various blog directories to get even more inbound links.

* Link Exchanges - Simply find other quality sites related to yours and ask them to link to you in exchange for a link back to them. This is not as effective as it used to be but it is still a pretty good way to get inbound links.

When trying to increase your link popularity remember that the more inbound links you get the better, but quality is always better than quantity. Stay away from low quality sites, FFA's, and sites unrelated to yours.

The next things that should be considered when doing SEO for your web site are the on-site and the off-site elements. Some of the on-site elements are the title tag, Meta tags, heading tags, ALT tags and highlighting of the text using the bold tag. The Link text is an important off-site element.

On-Site Elements:

3. Title Tag and Meta Tags

Meta tags help describe the page where they are placed. Though today the Meta tags are not nearly as important as they once were and are definitely not the only things the search engines look for when indexing your site, they are still somewhat important in deciding the relevancy of the page for a keyword search.

Search engines focus on three primary tags to help them determine the relevance of a website for a particular search phrase. The Title Tag, Meta Keywords and the Meta Description...

Ideally the title tags should contain less than 64 characters with your most important keywords in them and should definitely be relevant to the content on the page. Do not stuff keywords in to the title tag!

The Meta description tag is a summary of the page and its contents. This Meta tag should be 200 characters or less and should contain keywords and phrases you hope to be found for, but it should also read like an introductory lead-in for the page and be appealing to the reader. The description you provide for your page has to convince the visitor that they have found exactly what they were looking for.

Probably the least important Meta tag to search engines is the keyword tag. However, it shouldn't be ignored. Keyword tags should be less than 1000 characters. This tag should include important keywords and phrases consistent with the body text, title, and content of the page. Be specific and accurate with the keywords and key phrases in this tag. Again, do not stuff keywords here... they should only be those that are actually on the page and do not repeat any word more than 3 times.

4. Heading Tags

The heading tags are given more weight than the ordinary text. The higher the H tag the more weight it carries. You should make use of the heading tags to highlight the important keywords and headings of your page as well as the paragraph headers.

5. Bold Text

Bold text is given a little more weight than ordinary text but not as much as heading tags. Make sure to enclose some of your keywords in bold tags when they appear on the page.

6. Alt Text

The alt tag provides alternative text when images cannot be displayed... This might happen if the users have set the browsers only to download the text and not the graphics, or if the images are too heavy to download for the user’s internet connection. Only include important keywords relevant to your site and the image and do not stuff keywords in them.

Off-site elements:

7. Link Text

This is a very important factor in search engine optimization to gain higher rankings. The link text can be on pages within your site or what other web sites use to link to you. Either way, it is important. If possible the target page's main search term should be included in the link text instead of just the URL. Do not use identical link text for every link, but do include the target page's main keywords in the link text. Links carry more weight when the text around them is relevant to the target page's keywords and phrases.

Following the above SEO information will help tremendously in your search engine rankings. Remember that the search engines are advancing all the time. Don't try to trick them because they will eventually catch on and that could mean the end of your web site. Stick to the basic techniques above and you will increase your search engine rankings without fear of being banned or dropped.